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Bicentennial Masses in Rochester, Toronto, Windsor, and Houston

Upcoming Basilian Bicentennial Masses

To commemorate the Congregation of St. Basil’s 200 years of service through education and evangelization, special Basilian Bicentennial Masses will be held in: Rochester, New York Sunday, November 20 at […]

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Auxiliary Bishop Donald F. Hanchon welcomes four students into the Church at Catholic Central all-school Mass

Faith Formation Program Aimed at Teens Gains Popularity at Catholic Central

A Detroit Catholic Central student group that allows students to formally join the Catholic Church continues to gain popularity. This year, ten members have joined the school’s Order of Christian […]

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What's seminarian life like?

What’s seminarian life like?

by Father Eduardo Rivera, CSB “[The scholastic’s] preparation should include experience in all the elements of Basilian life and is intended to supply the member with resources for the life […]

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Who is called to become a priest?

Who is called to become a priest?

by Father Jim Stenberg, CSB I was an adult convert to the Roman Catholic Church. I often tell people that religion is like a childhood illness; when you catch it […]

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I'm interested in religious life, what should I do?

I’m interested in Religious Life, what should I do?

by Father Steven Huber, CSB One of the questions that is often asked is what a person should do if they feel a calling to religious life. How does one […]

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Basilian Fathers Remain Committed to Protecting Children and Vulnerable Persons Through Praesidium Accreditation

The Basilian Fathers are pleased to announce the completion of the Praesidium accreditation process, the highest level of safety protocols to protect children and vulnerable adults from sexual abuse, for […]

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What does the vow of obedience mean?

What does the vow of obedience mean?

by Father Steven Huber, CSB When a person is discerning religious life, these questions naturally come to mind. After all, when we hear the word “obedience,” it does have a […]

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Why do priests take vows?

Why do priests take vows?

by Father Eduardo Rivera, CSB Before we can answer the question above, we first must know that all priests make promises, but only some priests take vows. Are you surprised? […]

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Limitless Horizons Ixil Awarded 2021 UNESCO Literacy Prize

Congratulations to Limitless Horizons Ixil, which was awarded the 2021 UNESCO Literacy Prize for its remote library programming in response to the Covid pandemic. The award recognizes six outstanding literacy […]

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Spiritual gifts of prayer and penance offered in hopes that God will make Rose Prince a Saint

St. Alphonsus Church Remembers Rose Prince, Survivor of Canada’s Indian Residential Schools

In light of the recent discoveries of unmarked graves at sites of Canada’s Indian residential schools, the St. Alphonsus Church community in Edmonton, Alberta continues to pray that God may […]

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Antonio Ibáñez Santos, CSB Ordained to the Diaconate

The Basilian community celebrated as Antonio Ibáñez Santos, CSB was ordained a deacon in Tehuacán, México on Sunday, August 1. The ordination took place in Parroquia San Lorenzo where he […]

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Attendees of Mass on the Anniversary of Fr. Joe's Death

Remembering Father Joe Trovato, CSB

On Tuesday, July 20, the Basilian Lay Associates of Rochester gathered in the All Souls Chapel of Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Rochester, New York to commemorate Father Joe Trovato, CSB. […]

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Basilian Crest

Basilians Support National Catholic Reconciliation Plan Proposed by the Joint Ecological Ministry

The Congregation of St. Basil wholeheartedly supports the Joint Ecological Ministry (JEM) in its efforts to urge the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) to recommit itself to the reconciliation […]

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Six Newly Professed Scholastics are Joined by the Basilian Community in Mexico

Six Basilian Novices Profess Their First Vows in Mexico

On Saturday, July 17, six Basilian novices concluded their novitiate year with their first profession of religious vows. Jesús Cisneros Monroy, CSB, Alejandro García Cárdenas, CSB, César Enrique Hernández Aguilar, […]

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Participants of inaugural goodness, discipline, and knowledge conference at St. John Fisher College

Inaugural Goodness, Discipline, and Knowledge Conference at St. John Fisher College

The inaugural Goodness, Discipline, and Knowledge Conference was held June 25-27 at St. John Fisher College in Rochester, New York, sponsored by the College’s Office of Campus Ministry and the […]

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Antonio Ibáñez Santos, CSB professes his final vows

Antonio Ibáñez Santos, CSB Professes Final Vows

Many gathered to celebrate as Antonio Ibáñez Santos, CSB, Basilian scholastic, professed his final vows on Saturday, July 3. The celebration took place in the chapel of the Hermanas Instituto […]

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Basilian scholastic, Juan José Ortiz Torres, CSB, renews his vows

Juan José Ortiz Torres, CSB Renews His Vows

The Basilian community in Mexico celebrated as Basilian scholastic, Juan José Ortiz Torres, CSB, renewed his vows on Thursday, June 24. The vow renewal took place in the chapel of […]

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Fr. Tom Dugan assembles bee hives

Fr. Tom Dugan, CSB Assists with Urban Beekeeping Project

An urban beekeeping project in Rochester, New York supports women in poverty and protects the local bee population. The Sisters of St. Joseph in Rochester, New York learned of the […]

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Fr. Leo Walsh, CSB Awarded Assumption University’s Fr. Eugene Carlisle LeBel, CSB Award

Congratulations to Father Leo Walsh, CSB who received the Fr. Eugene Carlisle LeBel, CSB Award in recognition for his outstanding service to Assumption University in Windsor, Ontario. He currently serves […]

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1era Cumbre Latinoamericana

Basilian Latin American Summit

During the week of June 21 through June 25, the Basilian Latin American Summit called together all of the Basilians, novices, scholastics, and priests in Mexico and Colombia for an […]

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Basilian community in Colombia celebrates the recommittment of Eduard Guerrero Castilla, CSB to the Congregation

Basilian Scholastic Recommits to the Congregation

The Basilian community is delighted to welcome back Basilian scholastic, Eduard Alexis Guerrero Castillo, CSB, who professed temporary vows of two years on Sunday, June 13, 2021 in Parroquia San […]

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“I was thirsty and you gave me a drink, I was hungry and you gave me food, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” (Matthew 25:35)

Basilians Help Reunite Families

Thanks to the support of the Basilian community in Western Canada, two families have been reunited and paperwork is in progress to bring three more families to Canada. The refugees […]

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Sean Ajluni, CSB, a Basilian scholastic; Father Morgan Rice, pastor at St. Basil's Church; and Father Kevin Storey, CSB, superior general of the Congregation, present at the Basilian Fathers' virtual vocation retreat

Basilians Host Virtual Vocation Retreat

Nine young men discerning a vocation to the priesthood participated in a virtual vocation retreat. The Basilian Fathers hosted the retreat over Zoom on Saturday, February 27 from 10 a.m. […]

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St. Basil's Day at O'Connor House

Donations Made in Celebration of 150 years of Basilians’ Presence in Windsor

The Corporation of the Basilian Fathers of Sandwich in Ontario chose to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Basilians’ presence in Windsor by donating $150,000 to various local charities and […]

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Join the Basilians as they Celebrate Advent During COVID

As the COVID pandemic continues into the Advent season, Church leaders all over the globe continue to modify their ministries to adhere to local government regulations and protect the health […]

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Basilian community serves food to those in need every other day while adhering to health and safety measures

Basilian Fathers of the San Basilio Parish Feed the Bodies and Souls of Many During the Pandemic

Throughout the pandemic, the Basilian Fathers of the San Basilio Parish in Medellín, Colombia have continued to nourish the bodies and souls of those they serve; and the need is […]

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Participants of Camp Micah

Basilian Human Development Fund Promotes Peace and Justice at Home and Abroad

Apply for the 2025 Human Development Grant Each year, the Basilian Human Development Fund provides financial assistance to programs and projects that promote a biblical vision of peace and justice. […]

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Priestly ordination on December 5, 1970 in Detroit

Four Basilians Celebrate 200 Years of Combined Priestly Ministry

This month, four Basilians are celebrating their golden jubilee of ordination. Father Philip Acquaro, CSB, Father David Klein, CSB, Father Paul O’Connor, CSB, and Father David Sharp, CSB are each […]

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Basilian Crest

Gift of Technology from the Basilian Fathers Ensures Students’ Access to Education

A gift of technology from the Basilian Fathers has granted students at a Catholic elementary and junior high school in the Edmonton Catholic School Division access to education during the […]

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Basilian community celebrated Day of the Dead

Basilian Scholastics Celebrate Day of Dead by Honouring Basilian Confrères

The Basilian scholastics in Tlalpan, Mexico City shared in the Day of Dead celebrations by honouring past Basilian confrères. The Day of the Dead is celebrated in Mexico as an […]

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Cover of Separated: Inside an American Tragedy

Separated: Inside an American Tragedy

reflections by Father Robert Holmes, CSB Jacob Soboroff, a national news correspondent for NBC and MSNBC, was among the first journalists to expose the reality of the systematic separation of […]

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Cover of The New Jim Crow

Learnings from The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness

by Fr. Robert Holmes CSB The 10th Anniversary edition of Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow could not be more timely. As Alexander says in her new preface, “Back in […]

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How do I become a priest?

How do I become a priest?

by Father Steven Huber, CSB It seems that when a person is discerning the priesthood, one of the most common questions that is asked is “how long does it take […]

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Novitiate community in Mexico

Another Novitiate Year Begins

The Basilian novitiate in Tehuacán, Mexico opened its doors to the current novice class on July 16, 2020. They will spend one year and a day, as prescribed by canon […]

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Basilian Crest

Statement from Fr. Kevin Storey, CSB

Over these last several months, the Basilian Fathers have been reminded of heartbreaking accounts of sexual abuse faced by minors. As a Congregation that has built communities based on goodness, […]

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Covers of The New Jim Crow and Separated

Bob’s Book Shelf – September 2020

By Father Robert Holmes, CSB The 10th Anniversary edition of Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness could not be more timely. As Alexander […]

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Outdoor Mass at Detroit Catholic Central

It’s Back-to-School at our Basilian Schools

With the school year well under way, administration and faculty at our Basilian schools are bravely confronting the challenges presented by the ongoing pandemic by offering classes, celebrating the sacraments, […]

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Father Scott, CSB in front of Église St-Charles in Montreal, Quebec where he celebrates Mass for two communities.

Two Parishes, Two Languages, One Pastor

On September 1, Father Timothy Scott, CSB officially assumed responsibility as pastor of the English-language St. Gabriel’s Catholic Church and of the French-language Église St-Charles. Serving as pastor of more […]

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What is the difference between religious and diocesan priests?

What is the difference between a Religious Priest and a Diocesan Priest?

by Father Steven Huber, CSB This is a question that often gets asked by young men who are discerning a vocation- and rightly so! After all, don’t all priests celebrate […]

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What is a vocation?

What is a vocation?

By Father Kevin Mannara, CSB You formed my inmost being; You knit me in my mother’s womb. I praise You, because I am wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works! My […]

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how do I discern a vocation to religious life?

How do I discern a vocation to religious life?

By Father Kevin Mannara, CSB Speak Lord, for Your servant is listening. 1 Samuel 3:10 When I was a boy, I said to my grandmother that I thought I might […]

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How do I know if I'm called to become a priest?

How do I know if I’m called to become a priest?

By Fr. Eduardo Rivera, CSB “Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, was one of the two who heard John and followed Jesus. He first found his own brother Simon and […]

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recommended reading

Recommended reading

By Father Kevin Mannara, CSB There is a multitude of sources to turn to. A good spiritual director or mentor should be able to make many recommendations. Here is a […]

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How do I choose a religious order?

How do I choose a religious order?

By Fr. Eduardo Rivera, CSB “Thomas said to him, ‘Master, we do not know where you are going; how can we know the way?’ Jesus said to him, ‘I am […]

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How do I find a spiritual director?

How do I find a spiritual director?

by Father Eduardo Rivera, CSB “But you, man of God, avoid all this. Instead, pursue righteousness, devotion, faith, love, patience, and gentleness. Compete well for the faith. Lay hold of […]

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Father Bob’s Bookshelf

by Father Robert Holmes, CSB Two important reads during these “Black Lives Matter” days. My reflections are not so much a review of these books as a naming of a […]

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Father Maurice Restivo, CSB Heads Family of Parishes in Diocese of London

Father Maurice Restivo, CSB will serve as pastor of the newly formed Windsor Heritage Catholic Family of Parishes; this restructuring brings together some of the most historically significant parishes in […]

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Basilian Novices Profess First Religious Vows in Houston, Texas

On Saturday, August 8, two Basilian novices professed their first religious vows in the Chapel of St. Basil at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas. Sean Patrick Ajluni, […]

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Basilian Novices Prepare for First Profession of Vows

The Basilian novices in North America are on retreat this week in preparation for their First Profession of Vows on Saturday, August 8, in Houston, Texas. Members of the novitiate […]

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Basilian Novices in Mexico Make their First Profession of Vows

On Saturday, July 18, six novices professed their first vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience in San Lorenzo Teotipilco Tehuacán, Puebla, México. The vows of Erick De Jesús Enríquez Gutiérrez, […]

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