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Basilians Support National Catholic Reconciliation Plan Proposed by the Joint Ecological Ministry

July 26, 2021

The Congregation of St. Basil wholeheartedly supports the Joint Ecological Ministry (JEM) in its efforts to urge the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) to recommit itself to the reconciliation process with Canada’s indigenous people.

In light of the discovery of unmarked graves at Catholic-run residential schools in Canada, the Basilian Fathers join religious communities in calling on the president of Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops for “a renewed response from our Church to atone for its role in the Indian Residential School System.” The Basilians support the next steps that Catholic leaders must take in the reconciliation process that are outlined in a letter from JEM and sent to Most Rev. Richard Gagnon, President of the CCCB, including:

  • Support the Indigenous peoples’ request and invitation to the Holy Father, as the spiritual leader of the Catholic Church, to come to Canada to deliver a formal apology in person.
  • Encourage openness and transparency in the disclosure of all outstanding records and information about the running of residential schools.
  • Develop and fund a national and Indigenous-led Catholic reconciliation plan that:
    • addresses intergenerational trauma
    • supports survivors
    • supports the reclamation of Indigenous language and culture
    • creates educational and awareness-raising materials to decolonize our minds and hearts, and
    • produces other programs essential to the healing process.

Basilians have been engaged in the reconciliation process through their work in various ministries and apostolates and remain committed to dismantling colonialist and racist structures.

To read the letter in full, click here.


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