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Basilians Host Virtual Vocation Retreat

March 10, 2021

Sean Ajluni, CSB, a Basilian scholastic; Father Morgan Rice, pastor at St. Basil's Church; and Father Kevin Storey, CSB, superior general of the Congregation, present at the Basilian Fathers' virtual vocation retreat

Nine young men discerning a vocation to the priesthood participated in a virtual vocation retreat. The Basilian Fathers hosted the retreat over Zoom on Saturday, February 27 from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Participants were from Toronto, Ontario; Calgary, Alberta; Detroit, Michigan; Rochester, New York; and Houston, Texas.

“The virtual retreat gave us an opportunity to gather our discerners from the United States and Canada as it is easy to access a retreat online. We noticed more individuals registered because travel was not a barrier. The informal setting seemed to lower anxiety as well,” said Father Eduardo Rivera, CSB, vocation director for the Basilian Fathers.

When organizing the retreat, Father Eduardo recognized that the virtual setting would present the challenge of being able to connect with the participants. “We had such a brief amount of time together because of the virtual setting so we had to be precise and intentional when presenting, facilitating discussions, and answering questions,” he said.

Presentations on different elements of Basilian life created an open and engaging atmosphere. Participants felt comfortable asking questions and interacting with the presenters. Sean Ajluni, CSB, a Basilian scholastic, shared his perspective of living his first years in religious life. Father Morgan Rice’s, CSB presentation on the priesthood and religious life prompted a discussion on how others priest can help discerners in their vocation journeys. The retreat concluded with Father Kevin Storey, CSB, superior general of the Congregation, who shared his vocation story and spoke about the uniqueness of the Basilian way of life. Participants learned about the Basilians’ diverse ministry in high schools, universities, parishes, and missions.

If you think you’re being called to religious life, contact our vocations director to learn more about the Basilian Way of Life.


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