Remembering Father Joe Trovato, CSB
July 26, 2021

On Tuesday, July 20, the Basilian Lay Associates of Rochester gathered in the All Souls Chapel of Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Rochester, New York to commemorate Father Joe Trovato, CSB. Father Kevin Mannara, CSB presided at the Mass that marked the first anniversary of Father Joe’s death. They were joined by Dr. Gerard Rooney, president of St. John Fisher College, and Deacon Kevin Carges of Eight 4 World Hope, an organization of Fisher alumni who are building the Fr. Joseph Trovato Home for Boys in Jamaica.
Deacon Carges gave an update on the home’s progress that will pay tribute to St. John Fisher’s long-time professor and campus minister. For more information about this project, visit Eight 4 World Hope’s current projects.
Afterwards, the attendees visited Father Joe’s grave in the Basilian plot on the front lawn of the chapel. Father Paul English, CSB blessed the new grave marker. Later they enjoyed lunch together to remember and celebrate the life of Father Trovato.
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