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Fr. Patrick Fulton, CSB Leads Assembly as DCC Students Gather Over $870,000 In Raffle Ticket Sales – Novi, MI.

The 2024 DRIVE Fundraiser is the most important event in the cultural fabric of CC. During this week-long event, students head out into their communities to sell raffle tickets, with […]

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Fr. Eduardo Rivera, CSB Leads University of St. Thomas Women’s Retreats – Houston TX.

Last weekend Father Rivera led the annual UST Women’s retreats in College Station, Texas. The weekend-long women’s retreats occur yearly at the University of St. Thomas, allowing female students of […]

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Fr. James Murphy, CSB Reflection On The Season of Lent – Houston, TX.

We are all in the race! I have often compared the season of Lent to a Marathon. It can be a long arduous journey with hills to climb and a […]

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Fr. Eduardo Rivera, CSB, Leads Celebratory Mass and Eucharistic Procession – Feast of St Thomas Aquinas, Houston TX.

The weeklong Festival of St. Thomas (Jan. 28 – Feb. 2) has become a tradition beloved by students and an iconic week of celebrating school, and Catholic identity. Hosted at […]

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Ash Wednesday: Almsgiving as a Pathway to Peace

The history of Ash Wednesday and Lent are seen as more solemn times during the Liturgical year, as during this time many Catholics give up things or activities in an […]

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Fr. Patrick Fulton, CSB delivers speech at CC’s inaugural State of the School Address – Novi, Michigan

On February 2nd, 2024, the Detroit Catholic Central Family gathered in the gymnasium for the inaugural State of the School Address, to reflect on the successes and future opportunities of […]

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Scholastics Bishoy Dawood and Daniel Ryan installed into the ministry of Lector – Houston, TX.

Scholastics Bishoy Dawood and Daniel Ryan were installed into the ministry of Lector by Superior General Fr. Kevin Storey, CSB in the Congregation of St. Basil on February 5th, 2024. The […]

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The Archdiocese of Bogotá, Colombia, celebrates the Vicarial Day of Thanksgiving for the gift of Consecrated Life.

(From left to right): Jose Enrique Hoyos CSB, Juan Gabriel Galviz CSB, Amaury Rafael Ramos Romero CSB, Deacon Anderson Fabián Úzuga CSB, Monsignor Lizardo Estrada OSA, Osman Enrique de la […]

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Erick de Jesús Enríquez Gutiérrez and José Adán Gómez Villalvaso Ordained as Deacons – Tehuacán, MX.

On January 13th, 2024, two of our brothers in Mexico, Erick de Jesús Enríquez Gutiérrez and José Adán Gómez Villalvaso, were ordained as Deacons by Ricardo Ramírez, CSB. José Adán […]

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A Prayer for the New Year

Gracious Father in Heaven, as we stand on the threshold of a new year, We lift our hearts in gratitude for the gift of life and faith. In the embrace […]

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Merry Christmas: A Season of Peace and Love in the Basilian Community

Christmas Day for Basilians is more than just a time of gift-giving and decorations. The Christmas story is marked by themes of love, humility, and charity. Catholics are reminded to […]

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The Solemn Significance of Christmas Eve in the Catholic Faith: A Message of Hope from the Basilians

Christmas Eve is a night filled with anticipation and preparation for the joyous celebration of Jesus Christ’s birth. Central to this sacred occasion is the contemplation of the Nativity, a […]

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Anderson Úsuga Giraldo, CSB Ordained Deacon By Cardinal Luis José Rueda Aparicio, Archbishop of Bogotá

Many Blessings and a big Congratulations to Anderson Úsuga Giraldo CSB, who was ordained a deacon by Cardinal Luis José Rueda Aparicio, Archbishop of Bogotá, center, on December 4th, 2023, […]

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“Prepare the way for The Lord”: Advent – A Tradition Rooted in History and Significance for the Catholic Church

In the heart of the holiday season, the Catholic Church observes Advent, a time-honored tradition that dates back centuries and holds deep significance for believers around the world. Advent, derived […]

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“We have to burst bubbles” – Sr. Norma Pimentel, M.J. on interculturality and advocacy for migrants

It was an immense pleasure to spending an evening with Sr. Norma Pimentel, M.J.. Sister Norma’s insights into the current state of her work at the US – Mexican Border […]

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“70 Years of Service” – The Basilians inducted into “The Aquinas Institute Hall of Fame” in Rochester, NY

The Basilian Fathers have been honored with an induction into The Aquinas Hall of Fame, a recognition given to alumni, staff, and faculty dedicated to serving the community in a […]

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“A new life” – Basilian Aid in Protection of Refugees within the Diocese of London

At the forefront of the challenges faced by those forced to seek refuge in our country, where they arrive often stripped of their possessions and the familiarity of their homeland, […]

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“They were part of our lives” – A History of The Basilians retold by Dr. Michael Higgins

Dr. Michael W .Higgins, the inaugural Basilian Distinguished Fellow of Contemporary Catholic Thought at the University of St. Michael’s College, has had a long relationship with the Basilians. The Congregation […]

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David Walsh: Community Service and Basilian Compassion

Amidst the escalating housing crisis, a surge in homelessness has become a situation which calls for a collective, compassionate response rooted in the principles of community, and guided by the […]

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“Truth and Reconciliation” – A history of Basilian involvement in Aboriginal social justice

Last year Pope Francis paid a visit to Canada, meeting Bishops and leaders of Indigenous groups. “I humbly beg forgiveness for the evil committed by so many Christians against the […]

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“Saint Basil Coffee” – Making a difference one cup of coffee at a time

It may be hard to imagine that a simple cup of coffee can be a catalyst for change, but it can! Saint Basil Coffee has recently surpassed half a million […]

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We welcome you, Brothers! – The profession of Óscar Martínez Ávila, Erick de Jesús Enríquez Gutiérrez, and José Adán Gómez Villalvazo

On Saturday, September 23, 2023, Óscar Martínez Ávila CSB, Erick de Jesús Enríquez Gutiérrez CSB, and José Adán Gómez Villalvazo CSB professed the vows of Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience in […]

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Basilian relics shipped to St. Pius X Catholic Church in North Vancouver

When the chapel and sacristies of the Cardinal Flahiff Basilian Centre were being emptied of their contents this past summer, Father Jefferson M. Thompson, CSB learned that two items available […]

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Basilian Lay Associates of Rochester hold a Memorial Mass for deceased Basilian Fathers

On Tuesday, August 29, the Basilian Lay Associates of Rochester held a Memorial Mass for deceased Basilian Fathers. Fr. Kevin Mannara, CSB, presided. Fr. Lance Gonyo, a diocesan priest educated […]

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A Journey of Resilience and Faith: Relocating from 95 St. Joseph St. to 360 Davenport

In Basilian history, we find resilience, faith, and an unwavering dedication to the Basilian charism of education, evangelization, and our profound devotion to God. Our recent transition from 95 St. […]

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Harmony of Art and Music: A Painting and Church Organ Discover a Serene New Sanctuary

Since 1954, the masterpiece known as the “Last Supper” by the renowned Canadian artist Gerald Trottier (1924 – 2004) has graced the walls of the Refectory of St. Basil’s Seminary, […]

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“A woman clothed with the sun” – The History & Significance of the Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary

The Feast Day of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, celebrated on August 15th, holds a special place in the hearts of millions around the world. This revered day commemorates […]

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“This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!” – The History and Significance of The Church’s Feast of The Transfiguration

On August 6th, both Roman and Eastern rite Catholics are celebrating the Church’s feast of the Transfiguration today, and this day is the traditional date for both calendars. The feast […]

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“CSB” – The Profession and Spiritual Journey of Bishoy Dawood

“One for us, and one for you.” – these were the words of the Coptic Orthodox Priest that performed the baptism of Bishoy’s bother. Despite being only five years old […]

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“Ora et labora”: The Life and Legacy of St. Benedict: Father of Western Monasticism

On July 11th, we celebrate the Feast Day of St. Benedict of Nursia, one of the co-patron Saints of Europe. On this day we ask St. Benedict to pray for […]

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Brothers in Christ: Unveiling the Divine Connection Between St. Peter and St. Paul on their Solemnity

“Both apostles share the same feast day, for these two were one; and even though they suffered on different days, they were as one. Peter went first, and Paul followed. […]

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The Nativity of Saint John The Baptist and its significance

“Truly I tell you, among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet whoever is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater […]

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Congregation's archives are packed for move to Henry Carr Farm

Basilian Archives Finds New Home

The General Archives of the Basilian Fathers is moving to its temporary home at Fr. Henry Carr Farm in Beeton, Ontario. St. Michael’s College School plays a pivotal role in […]

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Basilian Associates Welcomed into Local Community

The process of becoming a Basilian Father begins with the Congregation’s associate program. At this stage, discerners are invited to meet members of the community virtually and in-person. In Medellin, […]

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Archbishop Leo Celebrates Mass at Presentation Manor

Newly Installed Archbishop of Toronto Visits with Retired Basilians

One of Archbishop Francis Leo’s first stops as Archbishop of Toronto included a visit to the distinctive worship community of Presentation Manor. Presentation Manor is a seniors residence for religious […]

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Father José Alberto blessing a parishioner.

Basilian Leadership Inspires Community Renewal

Witnessing the Basilians’ commitment to restore chapels in a low-income area in Mexico City inspired the local community to join in the reconstruction efforts. Mexico City is the largest urban […]

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Father Fulton, CSB greets students at one of Catholic Central's daily pep rallies during DRIVE week

Students at Basilian High Schools Raise $1.6 Million for Tuition Assistance

Student-led fundraising initiatives at two Basilian high schools raised a record-breaking $1.6 million for tuition assistance. Detroit Catholic Central’s annual DRIVE week brought in $802,814 and St. Thomas High School’s […]

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Basilian Fathers Promote Peace and Justice at Home and Abroad

The Basilian Fathers promote peace and justice and challenge systems of inequality through the Basilian Human Development Grant. Last year, $200,000 was awarded to 45 local and international organizations. The […]

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Monsignor Darío Álvarez Botero installs Father Pedro Miguel Mora Medina, CSB as pastor of Our Lady of Egypt (Nuestra Señora de Egipto), new Basilian parish in Bogota, Colombia

A New Basilian Ministry in Bogotá, Colombia Reanimates Parish Community

The parish community of Our Lady of Egypt (Nuestra Señora de Egipto) celebrated as the Archdiocese of Bogotá entrusted the parish to the Basilian Fathers. Father Pedro Miguel Mora Medina, […]

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What makes a school Basilian?

What makes a school Basilian? Father John Huber, CSB explored this question in his presentation to the Detroit Catholic Central board on Saturday, February 11. This presentation was a part […]

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Father Wahl speaks over Zoom on how to discern a vocation

Basilians Host Virtual Vocation Retreat

A recent virtual Basilian vocation retreat brought together participants from Canada, Maryland and Texas. The retreat was centered around the theme: what does God have prepared for you? Participants were […]

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Eight Basilian Novices Profess Their First Vows in Mexico

On Saturday, January 7, eight Basilian novices concluded their novitiate year with their first profession of religious vows. Their first vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience were received by Father […]

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Susan Metzler with her husband and Cardinal Thomas Collins

Susan Metzler Awarded Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice

Congratulations to Susan Metzler who received the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice in recognition of her work in bringing justice and healing to victims of clerical sexual abuse. On Monday, November […]

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STHS teacher, Joshua Wilson, with the Basilian Fathers of the Houston Area

A Musical Gift for the Basilian Bicentennial

In celebration of their Bicentennial, the Basilian Fathers in the Houston area were treated to a musical performance of the Congregation’s motto. St. Thomas High School teacher, Joshua Wilson, composed […]

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10 Founders Hall

San Lorenzo Parish’s New Hall Honours the 10 Basilian Founders

The recent renovations of the Saint Basil Community Centre in Tehuacán, Puebla, México included a new parish hall named in honour of the Congregation’s 10 founders. Basilian scholastic, Óscar Martínez […]

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Sketch of the 10 founders

Basilian Fathers Celebrate their Bicentennial

The Basilians’ founders’ decision to formalize their commitment to Catholic education and community life was based on necessity, a response to the increasingly secularized climate of post-revolution France. In 1822, […]

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Basilian Project Provides Afterschool Care and Academic Support to Children in Mexico

Basilian scholastic, Lauro Sánchez Sánchez, CSB, has undertaken a project to provide children with afterschool care and academic support. The project helps some of the youngest and most vulnerable members […]

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Bicentennial Masses in Rochester, Toronto, Windsor, and Houston

Upcoming Basilian Bicentennial Masses

To commemorate the Congregation of St. Basil’s 200 years of service through education and evangelization, special Basilian Bicentennial Masses will be held in: Rochester, New York Sunday, November 20 at […]

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Auxiliary Bishop Donald F. Hanchon welcomes four students into the Church at Catholic Central all-school Mass

Faith Formation Program Aimed at Teens Gains Popularity at Catholic Central

A Detroit Catholic Central student group that allows students to formally join the Catholic Church continues to gain popularity. This year, ten members have joined the school’s Order of Christian […]

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What's seminarian life like?

What’s seminarian life like?

by Father Eduardo Rivera, CSB “[The scholastic’s] preparation should include experience in all the elements of Basilian life and is intended to supply the member with resources for the life […]

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