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Windsor Basilian Lay Associates Celebrate Commitments of Two Members

February 27, 2018

Basilian Lay Associates of Windsor Area celebrated the commitments of two new members at McEwan campus of Assumption Parish in Windsor, Ontario on Saturday, November 18, 2017. The occasion was marked with a Mass celebrated by Father Maurice Restivo, CSB. The commitments of Claude Marchand and Marilyn Morrison were received by Father Paul McGill, CSB, ordained Windsor coordinator. All of the Windsor BLAs were in attendance as well as members of the Assumption Parish.

Claude knew of the Basilians through his work in the prison ministry in Windsor and his children attended Assumption High School. When his home parish, Holy Name of Mary, merged with Assumption parish he came to know the Basilians more intimately through his involvement with the parish council. “The Basilians are very good homilists and I appreciate their sincerity and eagerness to engage in discussion,” he said.

Marilyn worked at Windsor Regional Hospital, where Basilians would visit to anoint dying patients. Later, through her involvement in pastoral and bereavement ministry as well as working as a part of the leadership team for the RCIA courses, she came to know the Basilians more closely.

For Claude and Marilyn, the process of formally becoming a part of the Congregation of St. Basil began a couple of years ago through participating in meetings and retreats and enjoying the fellowship of the other Lay Associates. “I was given the Basilian Way of Life book and when I read about and reflected on the charism of the Basilians, I felt called to live the Basilian Way of Life. As a BLA, I’m answering the call to serve and reaching out and trying to live as an example to others,” said Marilyn.

The Lay Associates provide leadership within the parish following the closure of Assumption Church in 2014. “The Basilians have been a source of hope for the future through this challenging period. They are gathering the community and creating opportunities to forge ahead,” said Claude.


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