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“St. Basil’s Boys” Reunion at the University of Notre Dame

April 12, 2017

In the spirited life of the three North American high schools and their united Basil Bowl brotherhood, another first-ever experience has recently been the occasion of proud triumph and happy celebration.

On Saturday, April 8, the alumni of Catholic Central High School, St. Michael’s College School, and St. Thomas High School, who are currently studying at the University of Notre Dame gathered together for a unique reunion in common that quickly began calling itself “St. Basil’s Boys.” Some alumni from each of the three schools had already met each other in their classes, but here was the first opportunity for all of them in all four years of study to meet and engage each other in friendly conversation over the lunch table. Many of our graduates were eager to come to the podium and share what they felt had proven to be of greatest value to them as they ventured forth from the high school graduation stage and into their studies and young adult lives on the campus of Our Lady and beyond.

In attendannotre_dame_reunion2ce were Fr. John Huber, CSB, Fr. Jim Murphy, CSB, Fr. Kevin Storey, CSB, Fr. Jeff Thompson, CSB and senior administrators from the three schools, whose hearts filled with gratitude and pride to hear our alumni speak eloquently of the brotherhood they shared by growing up together in goodness, discipline, and knowledge, a genuine Basilian bond whose foundation and value have kept growing stronger and more important with each passing year.


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