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Scholastics Osman Enrique de la Hoz Escorcia & Eduard Alexis Guerrero Carillo Ordained as Deacons – Medellín, COL.

June 3, 2024

“Deacons are the servants of charity.” – Pope Francis.

On Thursday, May 30th, Scholastics Osman Enrique de la Hoz Escorcia CSB and Eduard Alexis Guerrero Carillo CSB were ordained as deacons in the San Basilio Parish of the Archdiocese of Medellín. The ordination was presided over by the Archbishop of Medellín, Monsignor Ricardo Tobón.





The ordination ceremony was attended by Fr. Pedro Mora CSB, as the delegate of the Superior General, and Fr. Juan Carlos Rojas Ramos CSB, Superior of San Basilio in Colombia. Also present were the Basilian priests: Fr. Carlos Rodríguez, Fr. Javier Higuera, and Fr. Alberto Rodríguez.




The newly ordained deacons were accompanied by their families, coming from the Arboleda and Barranquilla regions of Colombia, as well as guest priests from the archdioceses of Bogotá and Medellín, missionaries from Parma, and friends of the Congregation.

As described in the Acts of the Apostles, seven deacons were selected to assist the Apostles in their work of serving widows and the poor. St. Stephen, a martyr, was the first deacon to be selected to serve the charitable causes of the early Church.

The diaconate is a pivotal step in the process of ordination into the priesthood. Deriving from the Greek word “diaconia” – meaning “service” – only priests and deacons can read the Gospel, baptize, and witness marriages. Deacons cannot hear confessions, preside over Mass, or anoint the sick.


We congratulate Osman and Eduard on this important milestone in their Basilian journey and wish them a blessed and fruitful ministry.

Congratulations! / ¡Felicidades! / Félicitations!


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