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Fr. Pedro Miguel Mora Medina, CSB Anoints the Sick & Celebrates Mass Honoring the Lord of Miracles – Bogotá, COL.

March 23, 2024

This past week, Fr. Pedro Miguel Mora Medina, CSB celebrated Mass that included the Anointing of the Sick at Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Egipto, Bogotá, Colombia.
The previous week also included the Eucharist Lord of Miracles (a namesake of a mass that takes place primarily in Peru, during the month of October), which the Archdiocese of Bogotá celebrates on the 14th of each month.
“Lord, grant us endurance, courage to face each day, and the healing touch of your love. May we find solace in your presence and be surrounded by the care and support of our loved ones and community. Amen.”
“Señor, concédenos resistencia, coraje para afrontar cada día y el toque sanador de tu amor. Que encontremos consuelo en tu presencia y estemos rodeados del cuidado y apoyo de nuestros seres queridos y de la comunidad. Amén”.


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