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Renovated Chapel in Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Brings Together Community

September 5, 2017

The recently renovated chapel in the Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción in Cali, Colombia will allow the community to come together in worship. The renovations to transform an old police station into a beautiful, prayerful space took approximately a year to complete and depended on funds raised by the Basilians and local community.

The new chapel features three locally made stained glass windows. There is also an old stained glass window of the Sacred Heart, which Father Francisco Amico, CSB found in an antique shop when he was in Germany. Upon learning of its purpose, the shop owner donated the window to the parish. Next to the main altar, in a beautiful garden, is a sculpture of St. Martin de Porres, which was sculpted by one of the parishioners. Attached to the chapel is a meeting room that can be used for many purposes including religious instruction and community meetings.

This chapel is one of the three places of worship in the Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, which is comprised of three large barrios or neighborhoods. The main church is in the Barrio Andres Sanin while the two chapels are in the barrios of Siete de Agosto and Puerto Mallarino. Mass is celebrated at each location throughout the week and several times on the weekend. The chapels are designed for community gatherings, making each place of worship the heart of its neighborhood.


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