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Planting Seeds International: Self-Reliance Through Education – Guatemala City, GUAT.

May 29, 2024

For the past five years, Planting Seeds International (P.S.I), has consistently created education opportunities for children and adults across Guatemala, and with the support of The Congregation of St. Basil via the Basilian Human Development Fund, their efforts have flourished into odd-defying implementations.

Started in 2001 by Susan and Richard Schmaltz in Ottawa, ON., P.S.I shares the Basilian value of education and knowledge as the gateway to thriving both individually and collectively, and has completed the construction of the Planting Seeds Preschools and Community Center in Guatemala City, that now serves as a hosting space for various programs designed to improve the wellbeing of over 200 locals each year. The project was first introduced by Shannon Moyle in 2017.

Location prior to construction.


Site of center construction.


Finished construction of center.


The center conducts various programs such as a women’s support group, a fatherhood education program, sports activities, and English classes. All programs are taught by community members, who were trained by psychologists and experts brought in by P.S.I.

“These experts are not brought in as a permanent solution, instead opting to educate members of the community so they themselves are able to run workshops, ensuring sustainable, community-led development.” said Mac Phillips, Co-Executive Director, during an interview.

Mac Phillips leading a women’s support group workshop.


Father’s support group workshop.


This project had arisen out of a demand created by the political landscape of the country. With only 2.4% of the governmental budget allocated to education, organizations like P.S.I are the ones that make the difference for the local populations.

“Seeing children learning to read, fathers expressing love to their sons for the first time and watching community members learn from our experts and become expert leaders themselves is something I will never forget.”

Each project and partnership initiated by P.S.I. does not begin until a thorough consultation is completed via community questionnaires and censuses.

“Before we begin each project, we take the time to research and figure out what the community actually needs. Before we began this project, we did not know that the locals wanted a community center, nor that they would want to study English.”


English classes at the center.


This approach ensures that every project is not done to impress, but to make long-lasting, perpetuating well-being.

“Our relationship with the Basilians, and the communities is built on trust. The Basilians trust us to do good for the people we work with, and they trust us that we will listen and not just build for the sake of building, but for the sake of the good of the community. Their trust and help has been a great contribution to making this project come to life.”

Young adult sports program at the center.


Volunteers travel to Guatemala as part of P.S.I’s volunteer program that engages high school and college students with the community.


Fr. David Sharp, CSB is the Basilian Sponsor for P.S.I and has been a long-time supporter of their mission and projects.

“My niece and family from Nova Scotia have been in touch for many years with the Directors of Planting Seeds. So, I met them in Ottawa a number of years back and suggested that they apply for a grant to the Basilian Human Development Grant. It seems that when we listen to the people that we meet all kinds of blessings ensue! The impact of this program on the participants, especially the children, continues to be evident.” Fr. Sharp said.

Planting Seeds International continues to work with the Congregation of St. Basil in its mission to deliver the necessary education through new projects.

Photos generously provided by P.S.I Staff.


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