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Father Steven Huber, CSB Ordained to the Priesthood

February 26, 2019

On February 9, 2019, the Congregation of St. Basil celebrated the ordination of Steven Huber, CSB. Most Reverend Ricardo Ramirez, CSB, Bishop of Las Cruces, presided at the Mass of Ordination, held at Our Lady of the Annunciation Catholic Church, in Albuquerque, NM.

Watch Fr. Steven Huber’s Ordination

The next day, Sunday, February 10, 2019, Father Steven Huber, CSB, celebrated his First Mass of Thanksgiving at Our Lady of the Annunciation Church in Albuquerque, NM. Father Chris Valka, CSB, Chaplain at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, was the Homilist.

Watch Fr. Steven Huber’s First Mass

The following is a reflection from Fr. Huber after his First Mass:

As I write this message, I am sitting at my parent’s house in Albuquerque, New Mexico, reflecting on the wonderful events that have taken place over this past weekend. Many people have asked me how I felt, and what was going through my head throughout the celebration of the Ordination and my First Mass as a Priest.

Truth is, it is very hard to put into words the range of emotions that I felt throughout the course of this past weekend. However, throughout the course of all of the celebrations, there was one thing that was abundantly clear: God was present throughout all of it. There were moments that brought tears to my eyes, and moments where I was grinning from ear to ear. There were reunions with friends that I hadn’t seen in years, and celebrations with family members- all of it thanks to the Grace and Mercy of God.

As I was offering my reflections at the end of my First Mass, I remarked that it is God who calls each of us to our vocation in life, and who equips us to do the work that he is calling us to do. The question that we are called to ask ourselves is this: are we placing our trust in the Lord? Or are we trying to “go it alone” and trust only in ourselves?

Our First Reading from the Prophet Jeremiah this weekend warns us of the dangers of trusting only in ourselves, while at the same time showing us the blessings that those who trust in the Lord will receive. This is a very fitting passage for me to reflect on as I begin my Priestly Ministry. It reminds me that the work that I have undertaken is not for my own glory, but for the Lord’s.

The challenge here is the same for me as it is for all of us: to allow the Lord to work through us, so that his blessings may fill not only us, but all those we meet. This is where cultivating a regular discipline of prayer is important. It is in prayer that we learn to hear the voice of the Lord, and answer his call.

And so, I ask you to continue to pray for me, as I will continue to pray for you. May the Lord help all of us to continue to listen to his call, and lead us to more faithfully place our trust in him.

—Fr. Steven Huber, CSB


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