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Fr. George Smith CSB Leads Basilian Lay Associates Retreat – Rochester, NY.

June 27, 2024

Last weekend, 25 Basilian Lay Associates from Toronto, Rochester, and Windsor gathered at St. John Fisher University for a retreat led by Fr. George Smith CSB, Professor at SJFU, accompanied by Fr. Norman Tanck CSB, Fr. James O’Neill CSB, and Fr. Kevin Mannara CSB. Fr. Smith’s presentation focused on the call to holiness, and the lessons of the Beatitudes and the Good Samaritan as they apply to serving others.

“Fr. Smith’s presentation on the Papal documents, “Gaudete et Exultate,” on the call to holiness and “Fratelli Tutti,” on fraternity and social friendship and the relationship to the Beatitudes and the parable on the Good Samaritan brought new light to understanding and reinforcing our call to holiness and our call to serve one another.  Our time together was faith filled with prayer and Sacrament and we were blessed to renew friendships and make new acquaintances celebrating a time of faith, friendship, and laughter. We go forth now renewed and empowered to love and serve our Lord and one another.” – Marilyn Morrison, BLA from Windsor.

“George Smith anchored this special retreat time with his gifted charisma and knowledge of two papal documents, Gaudete et Exultate and Fratelli tutti. One could not help but personally experience exactly what Pope Francis is promulgating – our call to holiness and brotherhood. Praise God, now 25 of us are freshly fortified to spread the Word, in action. ” – Marcia Bovenzi, BLA from Rochester.


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