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Basilian Youth Camp Brings Together Youth from Colombian Cities

November 18, 2016

The second National Basilian Youth Camp brought together 68 youth from the cities of Cali and Medellín in Colombia. The camp took place at Bethany farm in the municipality of Marinilla, Antioquia from October 14 – 17, 2016.

The theme of the camp was “Young Basilian people passionate for the church from the perspective of mercy” and was explored through four talks given by team leaders. Topics included: Who am I? The Basilian young person (Reality, context, problems and possibilities); Merciful leadership (How to lead as Jesus did.); Young people walking with Jesus and learning from Him (We are a group of young people who are looking to be committed to the church.); and What is the call of Jesus for my life? (Characteristics of a discipleship committed to history.)

Sport and recreational activities also provided the young people a chance to come to know Jesus by providing opportunities to build strong friendships among one another. Each morning, the Basilian scholastics led the group in prayer and taught participants how to recite Lauds from the Prayer of the Church. This provided a reflective time and allowed the scholastics to share an experience that made an impact on their lives. The camp concluded with a Farewell Eucharist, celebrated by Father Oscar Fernando Gomez, CSB, in which the young people were consecrated and sent out to be disciples and missionaries of God’s love.

Plans are underway for the third National Basilian Youth Camp to be held in Cali in 2018.


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