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Basilian Latin American Summit

June 30, 2021

1era Cumbre Latinoamericana

During the week of June 21 through June 25, the Basilian Latin American Summit called together all of the Basilians, novices, scholastics, and priests in Mexico and Colombia for an exchange of ideas via Zoom. This was an opportunity for the Basilians in Latin America to reflect on the realities and hopes of the members of the Mexican and Colombian communities. One of the main themes that emerged in the discussions was the importance of ideas and activities for working together. The members of the Summit spoke of a “new history” since this kind of cooperation is an innovative and challenging development. The Basilians in both countries will strengthen and enhance the gifts they already have, as well as respond in new ways with new endeavors. The Summit participants want to break down the barriers that have separated the Mexican and Colombian communities. They affirm that they are both anchored in a unity that flows from Christ and his Church. They are the confreres of one Congregation with the same charism of education and evangelization and they share the same Basilian identity. This encounter helped these Basilians to recognize that they are not alone; they have many more things in common than things that divide them.

Basilian communities in Mexico and Colombia meet over Zoom for the Latin American Summit

There was a readiness to continue the meetings of the Summits in subsequent years both in person and via ZOOM. One of the conclusions of the participants was to continue following the example of Jesus Christ, assuming his way of life, through the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. They pledged themselves to a simplicity of life and to seek constant human and spiritual growth. They affirmed the Basilian commitment of teaching goodness, discipline, and knowledge through their lives and their work. The Basilian identity is based on plurality and difference with an underlying bond of brotherhood and unity.

All agreed that there is much work to be done but that, overall, the experience was a blessing to those who participated.


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