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Basilian General Chapter 2022

June 29, 2022

The Basilian General Chapter was held in King City, Ontario from July 10 to 13. According to the Basilian Way of Life, “The work of the General Chapter is to review the state of the Congregation and plan for its future, to make new laws or modify existing ones so that the Community may better fulfill its mission, and to elect the Superior General and General Councillors.”

On July 13, the Chapter delegates elected their new General Council – Father Kevin Storey, CSB, Superior General; Father John Huber, CSB, Vicar General; Father Morgan Rice, CSB, Second Councillor; Father Pedro Mora, CSB, Third Councillor; and Father Paul English, CSB, Fourth Councillor.

The General Chapter opened with a retreat on the theme of “Past, Present and Future,” with Bishop Robert Kasun, CSB preaching. The theme includes topics of; 200 Years of Ministry and Basilian Charisms, On-Going Formation, a Spirituality of Aging, Healthy Living, The Joyful Community, and Interculturality and Synodality.

See pictures from the Chapter:

  • Foyer1
  • Group 1
  • Fr. Farge
  • Group 4
  • Group 2
  • Mass with Bishop Kasun
  • Mass with Bishop Kasun (2)
  • Group 3
  • Fr. Storey Elected Superior General
  • Fr. Huber Elected Vicar General
  • Fr. Rice Elected Second
  • Fr. Mora Elected Third Councillor
  • Fr. English Elected Fourth Councilor
  • General Council, Paul English, Pedro Mora, Kevin Storey, John Huber, Morgan Rice(not pictured)


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