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The Archdiocese of Bogotá, Colombia, celebrates the Vicarial Day of Thanksgiving for the gift of Consecrated Life.

February 7, 2024

(From left to right): Jose Enrique Hoyos CSB, Juan Gabriel Galviz CSB, Amaury Rafael Ramos Romero CSB, Deacon Anderson Fabián Úzuga CSB, Monsignor Lizardo Estrada OSA, Osman Enrique de la Hoz CSB, Javier Higuera Orjuela CSB, and Germán Darío Suárez García CSB.


On Saturday, Feb 3, 2024, The Archdiocese of Bogotá, Colombia, celebrated the Vicarial Day of Thanksgiving for the gift of Consecrated Life.

The annual observance of The World Day of Consecrated Life was instituted in 1997 by Pope Saint John Paul II and is celebrated on the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. This year, Pope Francis has encouraged all of the Followers of Christ, to maintain hope and perseverance of Faith and expectation of his Resurrection.

“Where silence is banished and lost, waiting is not easy, for it requires an attitude of healthy passivity, the courage to slow our pace, to not be overwhelmed by activities, to make room within ourselves for God’s action,” The Holy Father stated in his homily.

Reflecting this message, the Vicarial meeting of Consecrated Life held in the Episcopal Vicariate “La Inmaculada”, had chosen their motto “Sowers of Hope”.

St. John Paul II set aside the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord, February 2, to celebrate those men and women who have devoted their lives to the Lord by living out the vows of Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience. This decision is based upon the Gospel scene of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, chosen as an icon of the total offering of one’s life to answer the call to emulate “the characteristic features of Jesus — the chaste, poor and obedient one” in their service to the Church.

In Poverty, consecrated persons live in dependence on Christ for their material needs. In Chastity, they give witness to their special bond solely with Jesus Christ, and in Obedience, they sacrifice their own will to become God’s instruments in the world.

Mary is also associated with the presentation of Christ, and Consecrated life, carrying Jesus to the temple so that he can be offered to the Father serves as an analogy of the Church, which continues to offer her sons and daughters to the heavenly Father.

Scholastic Osman de la Hoz, CSB represented the Congregation as the Master of Ceremonies of the Mass, presided over by the Bishop, Monsignor Lizardo Estrada OSA.

Engaged in a world frequently filled with turmoil and distractions, consecrated individuals will find assistance through the observance of this annual World Day. It serves as an opportunity to reconnect with the roots of their vocation, reflect on their life’s journey, and reaffirm their dedication to consecration.

Let us Pray:

We lift our hearts in prayer for those dedicated to God through the vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience. May they strive to deepen their baptismal commitments, receiving the grace to steadfastly persevere in their devotion to the Lord. Amen.


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