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The Solemn Significance of Christmas Eve in the Catholic Faith: A Message of Hope from the Basilians

December 21, 2023

Christmas Eve is a night filled with anticipation and preparation for the joyous celebration of Jesus Christ’s birth. Central to this sacred occasion is the contemplation of the Nativity, a reflection on the difficult journey of The Blessed Virgin Mary and Joseph, who despite facing closed doors and inhospitable surroundings in Bethlehem, persevered and found a humble manger for Mary to give birth to the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

Father Eduardo Rivera says Baccalaureate Graduation Mass, presided by The Most Reverend David L. Toups, S.Th.D., the Bishop of the Diocese of Beaumont, Friday 15th at the Co- cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Houston, TX.

The journey that Mary had to endure while pregnant depicts the harsh reality that many find themselves in on Christmas Eve. Many are unfortunate to be in desperate need, in a war-torn country or a foreign refugee, sacrificing much to allow their children to be born, searching for a welcoming place, but often finding none.


Gaudete Sunday Mass at the Chapel of St. Basil, the University of St. Thomas, Houston, TX., with Father Rivera & Scholastics David Basil CSB & Bishoy Dawood, CSB.

In a world marked by strife and uncertainty, the Basilians recognize the universal need to offer hope—a “place to stay” as doors seem closed to those in need. Drawing inspiration from their charism, the Basilians strive to embody the virtues of hope and goodness of Christmas Eve. They extend their prayers to all, invoking the spirit of Christmas Eve to inspire compassion, generosity, and a sense of welcome for those in need — to create a world where everyone can find a place to stay.


Fr. Javier Higuera, CSB, celebrates Mass with Novice Germán Suárez, Deacon Anderson Úsuga, & Regional Superior  Fr. Juan Rojas , CSB, at the Parish of Our Lady of Egypt in Bogotá, Colombia.

Father Patrick Fulton, CSB, celebrates an all school Mass at Catholic Central High School  in Novi, MI.

Father James F. Murphy CSB, President of St. Thomas High School prepares videos reflecting on Advent, Christmas and New Years. Houston, TX.



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