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Scholarships Haiti Project: Providing Education for Haiti’s Future

September 18, 2024

Haiti, a nation with a literacy rate of just 61%, has long struggled with inadequate education systems and a lack of resources. In this challenging environment, where 80% of the population lives below the poverty line and educational opportunities are scarce, André Weis, Administrative Secretary and member of the Focolare Movement since 1970, has supported the Scholarships Haiti Project (SHP) for many years, which has been a lifeline for those striving to overcome the barriers to university education.

The Focolare Movement, founded in 1943 by Chiara Lubich, is an international organization dedicated to promoting unity and brotherhood through the teachings of the Gospel. With a strong emphasis on social outreach, the movement Established SHP in 2006. The idea was born from a simple letter received by André — a young Haitian reaching out, unable to afford university fees, asking for help. This request sparked an initiative that has since provided many young Haitians the opportunity to pursue higher education.

SHP has been supported by the Basilian Human Development Grant for over a decade, with the first grant being issued in 2010 with help from the late Fr. James Rent, CSB.

Since its inception, SHP has supported 36 students, many of whom have gone on to start their own businesses or find employment in critical sectors such as healthcare and agriculture. The program’s success is evidenced by the graduates who have opened pharmacies, crop farms, and chicken farms, contributing to local economies and helping to alleviate some of the nation’s pressing issues.


So far 36 students have received, or are still receiving, a scholarship, partly funded by Basilian-Human-Development-Fund. Almost all who finished their studies were able to find a job or to create their own business. Many have been able to start a family and even buy a small home.


“Almost all who finished their studies were able to find a job or to create their own business. Many have been able to start a family and even buy a home.” André Described.

Tuition fees in Haiti can reach up to $2,400 USD per year—a steep price in a country where food insecurity is rampant, and many parents cannot afford to send their children to school, let alone university. The scholarships enable eager students, gain an education that will help them improve the livelihoods of their communities.


Additional Focolare projects in Haiti include two schools that house 800-900 students, the students of which can get a scholarship to university through the SHP.

The integration of faith into the school curriculum inspires students to view the world through a lens of compassion, motivating them to use their education to uplift their neighbors. As Fr. Robert Holmes CSB, the current Basilian sponsor of the project, noted; “Some of their young people have started university studies in agronomics, administration, and engineering… At the end of their studies, they would like to put their knowledge at the service of their country, above all in agriculture, to help numerous small farmers produce food in a more efficient way.”

The mission is nevertheless an uphill battle due to not only a lack of resources, but cultural barriers. “Many schools are private, and public schools aren’t funded so a lot of teachers are missing. Parents don’t see any necessity for the kids to study and many kids aren’t eager to learn as a result, instead working with their parents on farms. It’s hard to encourage kids not only because of parents, but because they are hungry, only having one meal per day – a bowl of rice and sardines.” André explained.

Despite Haiti’s hardships, the joy and gratitude of the people drive these efforts forward. “What keeps us going is the social and spiritual initiatives that we incorporate in our teachings and efforts. I am very inspired by the Basilians, and their spirit of bringing happiness to the less fortunate. More people should know about it. They are great people for getting involved.”

Through its continued efforts, the Scholarships Haiti Project is a reminder that even in the most challenging environments, education and faith can be powerful tools for change, offering hope and opportunity where it is needed most.


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